Event on GOÄ billing – a complete success!

 In Press Releases

Last Thursday the information event on the topic of “Billing for dizziness patients in the ENT practice” took place. It was a great success!

The billing options for dizziness patients in the ENT practice are often not used optimally. For the billing of private patients, however, the GOÄ (scale of fees for physicians) offers additional possibilities, e.g. the use of analog numbers. We are pleased to have expert Gerda-Marie Wittschier for this event.

After a welcoming speech by EQUIVert managing director Hanno Platz, medical device consultant Anna Grommes introduced the EQUIVert products EQUIMedi and EQUIFit to the participants. EQUIMedi is a mobile posturography system to support the diagnosis of vertigo. EQUIFit is a balance trainer that patients can use to train in their own homes.

Afterwards, GOÄ expert Gerda-Marie Wittschier gave an approximately 60-minute presentation, she explained the possibilities for billing. She showed figures for the billing of the EQUIVert products, but also showed figures that can generally be used in the ENT practice. In addition, she gave some valuable tips and examples from the practice. Last but not least Anna Grommes showed a sample invoice and a possible patient information. Hanno Platz then closed the event with a short summary and said goodbye to the participants.

The EQUIVert team would like to thank Ms. Gerda-Marie Wittschier for her great presentation and the participants!

Would you also like to learn more about the EQUIVert products and their billing options? Then please do not hesitate to contact us and arrange an appointment!

Mail: info@equivert.de
Phone: +49 2247 9219 14

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