Vertigo and stress

In a recent survey among ENT specialists at the HNOnet NRW, they stated that on average, 50% of all complaints complained of were stress-related or related to stress in practice. This included the symptom vertigo.

There are several reasons for this. Thus, permanent overloads lead to a poorer micro-perfusion of the inner ear. The sensitive sensory cells no longer get enough oxygen and can be damaged. The metabolism also suffers from stress. Increasingly harmful substances are deposited in the cell. The function worsens and it can lead to acute damage to the organ of balance. This can be thought of as an acute hearing loss, except that in this case not the hearing but the organ of balance is affected. But even an acute attack in Meniere’s disease with vertigo, hearing problems and tinnitus can be triggered by stress.

However, permanent stress also leads to processing disorders in the brain and thus worsens the regulation of balance. You literally get out of balance. Especially in the case of previous damage to the organ of balance, this leads to a diminished ability of the brain to compensate. Dizziness increases on days of high tension and on relaxed days. In these cases, in addition to improved stress management, it is above all targeted swindling in the form of modern biofeedback processes. The balance regulation and coordination ability can thus be increased and improve subjective dizziness complaints.

Author: Dr. med. Uso Walter (Specialist for Otorhinolaryngology)