What to do in the case of acute vertigo?

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Almost every second person suffers acute dizziness or vertigo at least once in their lives. What is the best way to behave when such an acute vertigo occurs? Doctors recommend to keep calm first. Luckily there are very few serious illnesses behind the vertigo and panic reactions are usually more dangerous than vertigo itself. If possible, you should stay in place first and then get help. This can be relatives in the case of slight dizziness, but also the nearest available doctor with a strong dizziness.

Vertigo drugs that contain the active substance dimenhydrinate improve vertigo and nausea relatively quickly and can also be given as suppositories or infusions. An immobilization, especially of the head area, is also helpful, since the vertigo is then not triggered further by a constant stimulation of the balance organs.

In any case, a detailed diagnosis should then be carried out promptly by the ENT specialist or neurologist, who can determine with various examinations, where the vertigo attack came from. Two-thirds of acute attacks of vertigo are caused by disorders of the balance organs in the inner ear, a quarter by neurological or psychological causes and the remainder by disorders of the cardiovascular system or rare diseases. Depending on the diagnosis, treatment can then consist of further medication, positioning exercises or vertigo training.

Author: Dr. med. Uso Walter (ENT specialist)

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